Sunday, September 9, 2007

It's only $130. Really.

So a little over a year ago, this company called Bungle or Bedbug or something announced this game called Halo 3.  I think it's a sequel or something. Maybe there was a Halo 2 before it, with a cool ending that wasn't a cliffhanger?  I don't know, I actually just play it for the women.  Not the point, though. 

Soon after they announced this unheard-of game, they said they were releasing it in three version; Standard ("you're a cheap fuck"), Limited ("You're kind of cool") and Legendary ("Buy Marty O'Donnell a new car").  Not until recently did I even purchase the console necessary to play this Haylough game, not even thinking that I need to purchase the game itself. So I stroll on down to my favorite Gamestop, open the door, and enter the store.  

It wasn't until I walked up to the register that I thought "...shit. Which fucking one do I want?" 
I've got three choices - Bare Bones, Pretty Cool, or Total Chick Magnet.  The bare bones is unacceptable.  The Pretty Cool limited edition is, dare I say, pretty cool.  But the Total Chick Magnet, the Legendary Package, is just as its labeled - Legendary.  Packed with not one, but TWO bonus discs, and to quite literally top it off, a scaled Spartan Helmet.  

I must have the Legendary set.  I must be Legendary.  

Then I see it costs $129.99. 

I, almost immediately, drop my 20 bucks on the middle-ground Limited Edition.  One-hundred-thirty dollars for a game is too much - no matter how epic.  So I pay the good man, and get out of the store, not thinking about it.  Until I find out whats on the Legendary disc. 

And now I want it again.  

Do I do it?